I have Difficulties to install PDF architect v4 to win 11 getting error 60
Answer by
Pooja Bajaj
The answer to the question is that you may need to download and install the latest version of PDF Architect for Windows 11. The latest version should resolve the error you are experiencing.
A PDF Creator működéséhez van szükség a PDF Architect-re? Vagy a PDF Creator az Architect nélkül is működik? Vagy netán semmiféle összefüggés nincs a 2 program között?
Answer by
Roland Diskayne
PDFCreator is about converting documents to PDF, most users will come to a point where they have a PDF and want to modify it. If you like, you can install oPDF Editor – PDF Architect – along with PDFCreator to increase functionality.
How can I insert a letterhead and footer into a PDF file when I am using PDF Architect?
Answer by
Robert Polubinski
The application allows you to add headers and footers using the Document Wizard menu. Go to File > New > Template and then select the PDF file you want to create. Once the file is selected, click next until you find the area with the header and footer. Fill the form and then your details will be added to the file.
I have Difficulties to install PDF architect v4 to win 11 getting error 60
The answer to the question is that you may need to download and install the latest version of PDF Architect for Windows 11. The latest version should resolve the error you are experiencing.
A PDF Creator működéséhez van szükség a PDF Architect-re? Vagy a PDF Creator az Architect nélkül is működik? Vagy netán semmiféle összefüggés nincs a 2 program között?
PDFCreator is about converting documents to PDF, most users will come to a point where they have a PDF and want to modify it. If you like, you can install oPDF Editor – PDF Architect – along with PDFCreator to increase functionality.
How can I insert a letterhead and footer into a PDF file when I am using PDF Architect?
The application allows you to add headers and footers using the Document Wizard menu. Go to File > New > Template and then select the PDF file you want to create. Once the file is selected, click next until you find the area with the header and footer. Fill the form and then your details will be added to the file.